Monday, December 5, 2011

The Most Unusual and Strange Architecture from Around the World

Here are some unusual and very different buildings that I stumbled upon. You can check the rest out here.

PhotoShopped or Not Photoshopped??

Here is a website I found that showcases Photographs that have not been photoshopped at all. It's pretty amazing that some of this pictures are how things naturally appear. Click here to see the rest of them.

Animal Photography

I'm not sure who these photographs are by but I thought they were amazing and wanted to share. I was drawn to the bright pops of colors with all of them. 

Just a few more Ads

Well it's the end of the semester and classes are coming to a close. So here are a few more ads to end the semester.

Everything you touch is on your hands and now it's on the next thing you touch. You and every thing you have every touched is now on this door knob.

Even the straw doesn't want to drink Coca- Cola or anything that isn't a Pepsi.

I think this is rather clever, In reality that camera would never fit in that crack but the companies creating this ad want you to think that in order to get you to buy there product, Although if the camera was that thin I'd be afraid of losing it. 

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Fast Food

In my final research paper for this class I am discussing ads just as I have been posting interesting ones all semester. When researching for this project I came across the advertisements for fast food. The pictures they put before us make their food look amazing and delicious but in reality we get a half-asked sloppy mess that never looks anything like the picture. All restaurants do this, tricking us with their pretty pictures to get us to buy the food.  Here are a few examples of what I mean...

Taco Bell's Nachos Bell Grande
This is what you really get...

McDonald's Big Mac

This is how they give it to you...

Burger King's Whopper

and here's your food...

Monday, November 28, 2011

Clever Advertisements

Here are a few ads that make you think and do some double takes...

A stack of Cds create a can of Heineken. Rather then using a real can, the Cds create the illusion of the can. 

This women has been trying to figure out the Rubiks Cube since she was little and hasn't been able to do it yet. She sits in here room, having grown out of her childhood clothing. 

Sears Optical, wants you to buy their glasses so you can see how the magicians really levitate their assistants.  

Ads Using Famous Paintings

These are just a few ads that recycle famous works of art and re-appropriate them for their ads. 

Vincent Van Gogh used by Alliance Francaise 

A remake of Rodin's The Thinker for Centrum

Dali used for Volkswagon

Magrittie's Self-Portrait,  Da Vinci's Mona Lisa and Vermeer's Girl with a Pearl Earring used for Megamix Blenders

A combination of Magritte's work used for Volkswagon