Tuesday, November 8, 2011

National Geographic

Class discussion and readings dealt heavily with National Geographic and I thought it would be appropriate to blog some incredible photos from the magazine's website. 

Butterfly and Trees, Madidi National Park, Bolivia
Photo by Joel Sartore

I love butterflies and dragonflies so to see a butterfly of this size is incredible. The contrast of it's white blue color against the green of the trees is breathe taking.

Clownfish and Bubble-Tipped Anemone
Photo by David Doubliet

When I saw this photo my mind automatically went to Finding Nemo. Very cliche but I none the less thought it. 

Cuban Tree Frog, Florida
Photo by James Snyder

How amazing is this? What are the chances of finding a frog that has mistaken a Christmas light for food? 

Lightning, Arizona
Photo by Richard T. Cole

I love lightning, it's amazing to see how it spiders out. I once saw lightning below me while flying in a plane over London. It was such an amazing experience, one that I would probably never see again. This picture is unique in that lighting only strikes like that once and the photographer was able to capture it. 

Moonset, California
Photo by Peter Essick

An amazing shot, the moon is the same color as the rocks. A shot like this is one in a million, made at the absolute perfect moment. 

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